letem jelents rsze, 19 v a Mig 23-as s Mig21-es replgpek krl forgott. A ppai s taszri repltren ezeket a replket szereltem, nap mint nap, tlen, nyron, hessben, napstsben, nappal s akr jszaka is. Igazi csapatmunka volt ez. Mindenkinek megvolt a pontos beosztsa, preczen ismerte a sajt s a kollgi feladatt. A mszaki munkk a replsek fggvnyben, az elre meghatrozott terv szerint folytak. A replt rk hatroztk meg, mikor mit kell ellenrizni, kicserlni. Pontos napraksz mszaki dokumentci ltal lehetett nyomon kvetni a gpek lett. A kpen lthat gp klnsen kedves volt szmomra, hisz sokig n lehettem a „gazdja”.
The considerable part of my life, 19 years Mig 23 and Mig21-es revolved around aeroplanes. The papal and I mounted these airplanes on a Taszr airport, day than day, in winter, in summer, in a snowfall, in sunshine, in daytime and even night.
This was real teamwork. Everybody's accurate arrangement was done, knew it precisely the own and his colleagues' task.
The technical works in the function of the flyings, it ahead they leaked according to a particular plan. The flew clocks defined it, what it is necessary to check when, to exchange.
It was possible to track the life of the machines by way of an accurate up-to-date technical documentation. The machine which can be seen on the picture was especially kind for me, believes I may have been his host for a long time.
lete 1979.08.10.-n kezddtt, utols replse pedig 1996.12.03.-n volt. A gyrtjtl 1800 ra zemidt kapott, de ebbl csak 1699 ra 32 percet replhetett, a 2557 felszllsa sorn. Replhetett volna tbbet is, de rossz dntsek sorozata megakadlyozta ebben. Jelenleg a ppai repltren vrja tovbbi bizonytalan sorst, remlve, hogy elkerlve az esetleges jabb rossz dntseket, rkre kpviselheti egy legends korszak trtnelmt.
His life began on 1979.08.10, him flying on 1996.12.03 though was last. From his manufacturer 1800 clocks received a uptime, but from this only 1699 clocks 32 minutes may have flied, in the course of his 2557 take-offs. Could have flied much, but the series of bad decisions prevented it from this.
Waits for his additional vague fate on the Ppa airport currently, hoping that it is potential finding his way away newer bad decisions, may represent the history of a legendary era forever.